Parent Information
Welcome to our Parent Information page, here we will be posting updates and useful information for parents of students at our academy.
You can contact our Safeguarding team by emailing
Online Safety
At Booth Wood we understand the importance of educating our pupils on how to stay safe online. To continue to support their development and knowledge of online safety outside of school, we have provided a range of resources below for you to use to start conversations regarding online use, promote online safety at home and guidance on new and upcoming apps for parents and carers. Please look at the documents below for useful information that helps to ensure our children are accessing the internet correctly and safely.
Safe practice around remote learning and internet use in the home
Operation Encompass
Operation encompass is a local authority and social services directive. If domestic violence occurs in any household relating to our pupils, school will be informed.
Healthy Together and your Public Health (School) Nursing Service
Healthy Together is a universal service from Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust for children and their families from 0-11 in Leicestershire and Rutland.
Your Public Health (School) Nursing Service
Public Health (School) Nurses from Healthy Together are available to help you and your child in many different ways. You can find help and support with:
- Behaviour
- Continence
- Physical health
- Emotional health
- Parenting
- Healthy lifestyles
- Diet and nutrition
- Plus much more
Your Public Health (School) Nursing team can be contacted via your child’s school, or alternatively you can find the contact details by selecting your child’s school from the drop down list on our Health for Kids: Grownups website.
ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service provided by Healthy Together that enables parents and carers to contact their Public Health (School) Nursing team for advice and support. You can get in touch for advice and guidance about any aspect of your child’s physical or emotional health.
Text a Public Health (School) Nurse on: 07520 615 382
The service operates between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. The team aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate message back to confirm your message has been received.
If you need help before you hear back, you should visit your local walk-in centre, GP or call 111. In an emergency, call 999.
Health for Kids
Health for Kids enables primary school aged children to learn about health in a fun and interactive way. With different worlds to explore and content, games, videos, quizzes and animations to enjoy across topics including health, feelings, illness and getting help, children can sit and learn with parents, carers, grandparents, siblings and teachers in a fun and safe online environment.
Visit Health for Kids at:
Health for Kids: Grownups
Health for Kids: Grownups is an extension of our Health for Kids platform, providing health related advice and information specifically for parents and carers of children aged 5-11. Content is available across many topics around the four main areas of Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Health Issues and Getting Help.
Grownups can also access localised information, including news, local services and public health (school) nurse contact details in the dedicated Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland area that can be accessed when you first visit the website.
Visit Health for Kids: Grownups-
You can also keep up-to-date with the latest posts, advice and information by following our Health for Kids social platforms:
Twitter- @healthforkids1
Facebook- @healthforkids1
Instagram- @healthforkidsgrownups
Parent Documents
Operation Encompass
download_for_offlineOperation Encompass
Term Dates
Booth Wood Academy term dates 2024-2025
download_for_offlineBooth Wood Academy term dates 2024-2025
- Booth Wood Academy term dates 2025-2026 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineBooth Wood Academy term dates 2025-2026
- Booth Wood Academy term dates 2025-2026 download_for_offline
Latest News
Booth Wood Academy term dates 2024-2025